Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Aloha, Wiki!

One fun fact I learned as I purused the resources is that Wiki means quick in Hawaiian. I tried to do this exercise with lots of Aloha spirit.

I first learned and experimented with a Wiki during my LATI journey last fall. I kept wishing there had been a Wiki tutorial available to me then. It seemed there was an assumption that it was so user friendly, anyone could just log on and get started. It wasn't that easy for me at the time. I did a lot of stumbling and bumbling around before I got any results at all. I never did really understand how to correctly add photographs to the postings. I accidentally added a gigantic photo to a page and then couldn't figure out how to remove it. Embarrassing!

I see the value in having a virtual meeting place for collaborative projects. Folks can check in on their own schedule and toss in their ideas. It's flexible and easy to access. My caution is that as we all begin using these tools, we don't take it for granted that this comes easily to everyone or that everyone already knows how to use them.

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