Friday, August 3, 2007

5 Little Children




Five Little Children

Original poem by Kelley Gordon


Five little children from all around the world –

Come and meet these happy boys and girls! (Hold up 5 fingers & wiggle them)


First comes Rosa, a pretty senorita.

In Spanish you can say, “¡Hola!” (OH-lah) when you greet her. (Wave with hand palm up, curving fingers toward self)


Hassan lives in Turkey where it’s hot and dry.

Wave and say, “Merhaba,” (MER-hah-bah) when he walks by.


Amari is from India, a land of many faces.

With her hands she says, “Namaste,” (nah-mah-STAY)with gentle graces. (Press palms together in front of chest  with fingers pointing upward & bow)


Little Flower is a maiden of the Cherokee lands.

She says, “Osiyo,” (oh-see-YOH) as she waves her hands. (Wave hello and smile)


Chen lives in China far across the sea.

He bows and says, “Kneehow,” to you and me. (Overlap arms in front of chest with fingers touching elbows & bow)

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